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Why is the CIS community not fond of NFTs and DeFi?

Why is the CIS community not fond of NFTs and DeFi?

As you may have noticed, the creators of many collections try to protect their creations from falling into the hands of CIS collectors (whom they don't consider as part of their community). We're only talking about the community aspect here. Let's ponder why this happens, who's to blame, and how we can influence it.

Why is it so?

Unfortunately, this is true. All of the CIS, especially the Russian community, dislike Western collectors and creators. They all understand that if a project becomes popular in the Russian Federation, it can be shut down. We burn through collections within minutes just to earn $20-30, and no one cares about the roadmap, whitepaper, and so on. We need money, give us money.

Who's to blame?!

Have you visited the project's RU rooms on Discord? It's impossible to stay there due to an abundance of spam, stickers, constant arguing, and overall dissatisfaction. We have shaped this perception of ourselves. We don't behave the way it's accepted in the West, and as a result, we're not liked, which leads to CIS IPs being blacklisted on marketplaces, and by the time you figure out the proxy, it's already sold out. We rarely show interest in projects; we sell immediately. We're flippers, while projects need holders, whom we scare away.

How to fix it?

We can fix this by simply behaving in a cultured and respectful manner. When entering a project's Discord, you're visiting someone's place. If you have nothing to say, it's better to remain silent than to start spamming, writing senseless curses, or offending someone. Do you think cool collectors behave that way?! ;)

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10 Ways to Earn Cryptocurrency for Free in 2023

10 Ways to Earn Cryptocurrency for Free in 2023

Here are 10 ways to earn cryptocurrency for free in 2023.


Faucets are platforms that offer small amounts of cryptocurrency in exchange for completing simple tasks such as watching ads or solving captchas. Faucets are a great way to start earning free cryptocurrency without investing money or requiring special skills. Some well-known cryptocurrency faucets include FreeBitcoin, Moon Bitcoin, and Satoshi Quiz.

Benefits of earning from faucets

  1. Easy to get started: Faucets provide a simple and accessible way to obtain a small amount of cryptocurrency without the need for investments or complex setup.
  2. Learning: For cryptocurrency beginners, faucets can serve as a good way to understand how the acquisition and storage of cryptocurrency works, as well as the principles of blockchain.
  3. Variety of cryptocurrencies: Some faucets offer various types of cryptocurrencies, allowing users to try different currencies and learn about them.
  4. Referral programs: Some faucets offer rewards for referring new users, which can become an additional source of income.

Drawbacks of Earning from Faucets

  1. Low Income: Typically, faucets offer very small amounts of cryptocurrency. This means that the earnings from faucets can be insignificant and unstable.
  2. Significant Time and Effort: To earn a sufficient amount of cryptocurrency, users will have to spend a lot of time completing tasks or solving captchas.
  3. High Competition: Faucets are popular, and many users compete for free cryptocurrency. This leads to high competition and can reduce the chances of earning significant income.
  4. Risk of Fraud and Security: Some faucets may be fraudulent or unsafe, and their owners may attempt to access your personal data or cryptocurrency. Not all faucets are verified and reliable, so choosing the right faucets is important for safety and trustworthiness.
  5. Dependency on Third-Party Platforms: Faucets usually operate on third-party platforms, and you need to have accounts on these platforms to receive rewards. This can limit your flexibility and control over your cryptocurrency.

Overall, faucets in cryptocurrency earning can be an interesting way to get started with cryptocurrency and receive a small amount as a reward. However, they are usually not the primary source of income and may require significant time and effort to earn substantial amounts of cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrency Staking

Staking involves long-term holding of cryptocurrency with the aim of earning interest. This often occurs in a staking pool using the Proof of Stake algorithm. This method allows for earning a stable percentage, especially with long-term cryptocurrency holdings.

Benefits of Cryptocurrency Staking

  1. Reward for Participation: Staking allows cryptocurrency holders to earn passive income in the form of rewards for participating in network support. This can come in the form of new coins, fees, or other benefits.
  2. Increased Network Security: Participating in staking requires owning and locking a certain amount of cryptocurrency, making network attacks less likely and enhancing network security.
  3. Price Stability: Investing in staking can help stabilize the price of the cryptocurrency. Since cryptocurrency holders are incentivized to hold them to receive rewards, it can help prevent significant price drops.
  4. Voting and Decision-Making: Some blockchains provide stakers with voting rights and the ability to make decisions regarding protocol upgrades or blockchain development. This gives the opportunity to influence the future development of the project.

Drawbacks of Staking

  1. Funds Lock-up: Participating in staking requires locking a specific amount of cryptocurrency for a designated period. Owners won't be able to use these funds during that time, which can limit their accessibility and flexibility.
  2. Loss Risks: Staking investments always come with risks. While the rewards may be promising, the price of the cryptocurrency can decrease, resulting in a loss of the invested value.
  3. Technical Complexity: Engaging in staking may require technical knowledge and understanding of the process. This can be challenging for cryptocurrency newcomers or those who don't want to spend time learning this aspect.
  4. Dependency on Network and Protocol: Staking relies on the complete reliability of the blockchain and protocol. If there are issues or vulnerabilities in the network or protocol, rewards or the cryptocurrency itself may be at risk.

It's important to conduct thorough research and understand the specific features of staking for a particular cryptocurrency before making an investment decision. Each cryptocurrency has its own rules, rewards, and risks that should be taken into account.

Surveys and Offers

Many websites offer small amounts of cryptocurrency for participating in surveys or trying out new products and services. These websites often work with advertising to provide the best offers. TimeBucks and Swagbucks are two well-known sites for surveys and offers.

Advantages of Surveys

  1. Rewards: Surveys and offers for cryptocurrency provide an opportunity to earn cryptocurrency for your time and participation. This can be attractive for those who want to acquire cryptocurrency without having the means or desire to invest money.
  2. Feedback and Engagement: Participating in surveys and offers for cryptocurrency allows you to contribute, express your opinions, and have an impact on the development of products or services. This can be valuable for companies and projects seeking to understand the needs and preferences of their users.
  3. Diverse Tasks and Offers: Surveys and offers can encompass a variety of tasks, including product testing, writing reviews, spreading information, or completing other assignments. This provides the opportunity to choose tasks that align with your interests and skills.
  4. Discovering New Projects and Opportunities: Engaging in surveys and offers for cryptocurrency can help you learn about new projects, products, or services in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. This can provide you with information about investment opportunities or the use of new products.

Drawbacks of Earning from Surveys

  1. Low Pay and High Competition: Rewards for participating in surveys and offers for cryptocurrency can be low, especially if you're participating in popular or mass programs. Additionally, there is high competition from other participants, which can decrease your chances of receiving significant rewards.
  2. Time Waste and Confidential Data: Engaging in surveys and offers can take time and require the provision of personal information. It's important to be cautious when sharing your personal data and verify the reliability and security of platforms conducting surveys or offering tasks for cryptocurrency.
  3. Restrictions and Expectations: Some programs may have restrictions based on country of residence, age, or other factors, which can limit accessibility for certain users. Additionally, receiving rewards may take some time, and you may need to wait before receiving your cryptocurrency.

It's important to handle your privacy and security with care, choose reliable platforms, and check the reputation of projects before participating in surveys and offers for cryptocurrency. It's also worth noting that surveys and offers for cryptocurrency are not a stable and guaranteed source of income.

Participating in Airdrops

An airdrop is a simple way to receive free cryptocurrencies, similar to a gift giveaway. Prior to the launch of a new cryptocurrency, airdrops significantly increase interest and adoption of that cryptocurrency. Free cryptocurrency is distributed to participants interested in the procedure. However, to benefit from it, specific actions need to be taken.

Benefits of Participating in Airdrops

  • Free Cryptocurrencies: The main advantage of participating in airdrops is the opportunity to receive free cryptocurrencies. It can be a good way to start your cryptocurrency portfolio without investing your own funds.
  • Potential for Obtaining New Tokens: Participating in airdrops provides the opportunity to obtain new tokens that may have potential for future growth. If the project is successful, the received tokens can increase significantly in value over time.
  • Project Awareness and Distribution: Airdrops serve as a means for projects to attract attention and distribute their coins. Users who receive airdrops can become natural advocates for the project, helping with its promotion and popularity.
  • Educational and Community Participation: Participating in airdrops can give you the opportunity to learn more about the project, its team, and goals. You can also join the project's community where you can discuss and share information with other participants.
  • Drawbacks of Participation

    1. Risks of Scams: In the world of airdrops, there is a risk of scams and fraudulent projects. Some projects may promise airdrops but never fulfill their obligations. It is important to be cautious and choose verified projects to participate in their airdrops.
    2. Low Token Value: In most cases, airdrops offer a small amount of tokens, which may have a low value in the market. As a result, even if the project is successful, the received airdrops may have insignificant value.
    3. Restrictions and Conditions: In some cases, airdrops may have restrictions, such as the need to perform certain actions or reside in a specific country. Additionally, some projects may set conditions on the storage or use of the airdropped tokens.
    4. Time and Energy Expenditure: Participating in airdrops may require a certain level of effort and time. You may be required to complete various tasks or demonstrate activity within the project's community to receive the airdrop. This can be time-consuming and require additional effort.

    It is important to conduct your own research and evaluate airdrop projects to avoid scams and choose those that have potential and align with your interests and investment goals.

    Referral Programs

    Some cryptocurrency exchanges and companies offer referral programs that reward customers for referring friends to use their services. Under these programs, each referral is provided with a certain amount of cryptocurrency or a percentage of the referee's transactions. Binance, Coinbase, Kraken, and Breet are well-known referral programs. With Breet, you earn 900 Nair for each referral. Why wait? Earn more money by simply referring people.

    Benefits of Referral Programs

  • Reward for Referring New Users: The main advantage of participating in referral programs is the opportunity to earn cryptocurrency by referring new users. If your invited users are active and use the platform, you can receive ongoing rewards for their activity.
  • Expanding Network and Community: Participating in referral programs allows you to expand your network and attract new users to a project or community. This can be beneficial for exchanging experiences, communicating with like-minded individuals, and participating in discussions and events.
  • Passive Income: If you refer enough active users to a referral program, the rewards you receive can become a source of passive income. You can continue to earn rewards for the activity of your referrals even if you are not actively involved yourself.
  • Opportunity to Explore New Projects: Participating in referral programs provides the opportunity to learn about new projects and services in the cryptocurrency space. You can receive information about new investment opportunities or the use of cryptocurrency products.
  • Drawbacks of Participating in Referral Programs

    1. Unreliable Projects and Scams: In the cryptocurrency space, there is a risk of encountering fraudulent projects that promise high referral rewards but fail to fulfill their commitments. It is important to conduct proper research and choose reputable projects to participate in their referral programs.
    2. Dependency on Referral Activity: The rewards in referral programs depend on the activity of your invited users. If they are inactive or do not use the platform, your income from the referral program may be low or nonexistent.
    3. Restrictions and Conditions: Referral programs may have restrictions and conditions such as a minimum number of referrals, the requirement to perform specific actions, or the use of certain services. It is important to carefully review the program's rules to ensure it aligns with your expectations and capabilities.
    4. Competition and Market Saturation: Popular referral programs can have high competition among participants. This can make it challenging to attract new users and decrease the rewards as many others are actively referring users to the project.

    It is important to analyze and choose referral programs carefully, conduct thorough research, and be active to maximize the opportunities for earning cryptocurrency through referral programs.

    Vulnerability Discovery

    Cryptocurrency projects and exchanges often offer rewards for finding and reporting vulnerabilities in their programs. Depending on the severity of the breach, these rewards can be in the form of cryptocurrency and range from a few hundred to tens of thousands.

    Promotions and Welcome Bonuses on Cryptocurrency Exchanges

    Some platforms and cryptocurrency exchanges offer bonuses upon registration. Anyone who signs up on these sites and goes through the necessary verification procedures receives registration bonuses. Some sites even provide bonuses to users who registered through your referral link. You and/or your referrals receive bonuses upon completing the required steps.

    Trading Competitions

    On certain exchanges, you can participate in trading competitions where customers compete against each other for prizes based on trading volume or performance. These competitions can offer significant prizes, such as thousands of dollars' worth of Bitcoin.

    Engaging in Online Communities and Forums

    Many online communities and forums dedicated to cryptocurrencies offer rewards for active participation and contribution to discussions. Prizes can include small amounts of cryptocurrency or premium memberships. Reddit, Discord, and Telegram are a few well-known online forums and communities.


    Users can perform small online tasks, known as microtasks, in exchange for tiny amounts of money. These tasks may involve data classification and audio transcription. Some popular websites that accept microtasks are Cointasker and Bituro.


    Remember that each of these methods has its own advantages, disadvantages, and potential risks. Always be cautious, verify the reliability of platforms, and follow instructions. Earning cryptocurrency without investments can be an interesting and profitable experience if approached with intelligence and caution.

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    What is video marketing

    What is video marketing

    Video marketing is any form of marketing that uses video format to increase brand awareness, attract new customers, and drive sales of products and services.

    In the world of video marketing, thanks to educational resources like YouTube and TikTok, companies have even more opportunities to reach consumers in the digital space. As a result, video marketing has become a major trend as it allows brands to showcase their unique identity to a wider range of target audiences.

    Why is video effective in marketing?

    The advancement of screen technologies has made visually appealing campaigns necessary to capture customers' attention. As people have become accustomed to specific visual cues and content, companies have learned to adapt engaging videos and share them across multiple platforms and devices. Consequently, videos of varying lengths have become a form of interactive content that companies can quickly and effectively distribute among consumers.

    Although this discipline requires advanced skills, video marketing can become more manageable with the addition of video editing tools. Organizations with diverse staff can even create high-quality videos without hiring a skilled video marketer, saving time and money.

    Video marketing, as an effective way to spread brand information, amplified by changing trends in consumer attention, is crucial for companies aiming to make a quick impression and conquer online frontiers.

    What should marketing videos include?

    To determine how to move forward with a video marketing campaign, team members must agree on the campaign's goals. Before settling on the video format, they should clearly define the campaign's objective. YouTube tutorials work well for introducing consumers to products, while short Instagram videos are better suited for creative branding. Regardless of the choice, all campaigns should focus on storytelling rather than sales, addressing customer needs and pain points.

    An organization can simplify this process by repurposing content for video formats. By following this path, they can easily select the right visual technologies. Businesses can rely on this principle by breaking down the topic into multiple videos or video snippets across numerous platforms. Instead of expending energy on developing new content every week, it is faster and easier to create a denser storyline with a single ongoing theme.

    How can I engage in video marketing?

    Videos are an extension of the brand, so marketing teams must understand how they want to present their company to the target audience. Companies should focus their video marketing strategy around what matters to their target customers, the platforms they frequently visit, and their relationship with competing content. This requires marketers to conduct extensive research, experiment, and find channels to establish the best ways to connect with consumers.

    Companies aiming to take a leap forward and achieve greater value can hire experienced video marketers to gain access to more expertise and knowledge about video marketing tools.

    By defining their audience, setting campaign goals, and following fundamental marketing strategies, marketers can develop an effective video marketing campaign that maximizes returns without wasting company resources.

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    TikTok Surpasses YouTube in Watch Time

    TikTok Surpasses YouTube in Watch Time

    New TikTok Record

    It's a trendy phenomenon among young people. This app, which allows users to record and view short videos often accompanied by music, continues to gain popularity worldwide.
    Launched in 2016 by the Chinese company ByteDance, this app has seen tremendous success in recent years.
    In early 2021, it broke a new record, becoming the most downloaded app in the world.
    It surpassed 3 billion downloads globally, joining Facebook and its subsidiaries among the most popular social networks on the planet.
    It's also estimated that users of the app spent $900 million in 2020 alone. Since its creation, the Chinese platform has surpassed the $2.5 billion mark in user spending.
    According to the latest report from App Annie, a company specializing in mobile app-related statistics, TikTok has just surpassed Google's video platform in terms of average watch time per user.

    26 Hours of Watch Time per Month

    In the United States, according to statistics from August 2021, internet users spent an average of 26 hours per month on TikTok compared to 24 hours per month on YouTube!
    The difference is small, but it's a remarkable achievement for the Chinese social network to surpass the video platform of the American giant Google in the United States.

    A Powerful Symbol

    This announcement is a powerful symbol, considering that App Annie made the same observation in the United Kingdom. In this geographic region, the gap between the two video sharing platforms has even widened.
    An average British user spends 16 hours per month on YouTube compared to 26 hours on TikTok!
    In France, TikTok still lags behind, ranking only 4th among the most popular social networks after YouTube, Facebook, and WhatsApp.

    A Sensation in Short Formats

    TikTok's success over the past years further confirms users' enthusiasm for short formats.
    Originally, this Chinese social network stood out among competitors by offering one-minute short videos.
    Since July 2021, the maximum video length in this app has been increased from 1 to 3 minutes, making it a direct competitor to platforms like YouTube.
    At the same time, the short format, popular among young people, has gained widespread adoption on other social media platforms.
    Instagram launched Reels in the summer of 2020, and YouTube now offers the Shorts feature, allowing users to create short videos in a similar style to TikTok.
    This demonstrates that the Chinese app has made its mark in the world of social media and has influenced user habits.

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    What is happening with Clubhouse in 2023

    What is happening with Clubhouse in 2023

    In 2020, the American audio-based social networking app Clubhouse experienced a significant surge in popularity. The app was used by numerous content creators. The company, founded in the same year, faced criticism over data privacy concerns. Now, Clubhouse is announcing multiple layoffs, with over 50% of its employees being forced to leave.

    Job cuts at Clubhouse are not driven by financial reasons

    Co-founders Paul Davison and Rohan Seth have informed their employees that more than half of the jobs at Clubhouse will be cut, although the exact number remains unclear. According to the company's statements, the goal is to make the work more efficient with a "lean, product-focused team." Therefore, financial reasons seemingly do not play a role in the decision.
    Specific measures are said to be taken for the affected employees, and they will receive further information through one-on-one conversations with their department managers. In addition to a severance package consisting of their April salary and four additional monthly salaries until the end of August 2023, Clubhouse will also maintain medical insurance for the laid-off employees.
    They are allowed to keep their work laptops to facilitate their job search. Clubhouse also promises support to those employees who are on a visa with Clubhouse and need to consider further implications for their residency status after the termination.

    Clubhouse 2.0 is coming soon

    As for the next steps, the company aims to continue its work with a more streamlined team and advance the plans for Clubhouse 2.0. The company might replicate its market entry strategy. The Android version of Clubhouse was in a closed beta testing phase in the United States since early May 2021. Starting from May 18, the Android app was released in Japan, Brazil, and Russia. Nigeria and India were added on May 21. Clubhouse was initially launched as an iPhone app in 2020 and has since attracted a lot of attention. Multiple people can use the voice communication service to engage in public audio chats. During the pandemic, prominent figures from the entertainment and political industry embraced the platform. However, interest in Clubhouse declined after the pandemic.

    Clubhouse: Decreasing downloads and growing competition

    At the same time, the concept of the app inspired nearly the entire tech industry to develop their own competing products.
    Reddit, Discord, Telegram, LinkedIn, and even Spotify are actively working on competing offerings. However, the most advanced alternative to Clubhouse is Twitter's Spaces.
    Currently, Spaces is only available to users with at least 600 followers on Twitter, but soon there will be an option to charge for entry into private conversations. So far, Clubhouse only offered the option to voluntarily donate money to a user.
    According to the email, significant changes in people's daily lives during the post-COVID period have forced the company to reboot Clubhouse. Ultimately, it has become increasingly difficult for users to integrate long conversations on Clubhouse into their everyday lives - during times of isolation, this was easily feasible and initially made the Clubhouse project successful. The exact details of what the company's new adapted product will look like remain unclear.

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    What is Twitter

    What is Twitter

    Twitter is another popular social network widely used overseas. It has gained a significant number of users in Poland as well. It is a microblogging platform that allows users to send short messages (up to 140 characters) which are delivered to the followers of their profile.

    Twitter was founded in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams. It gained its highest popularity in the United States in 2009 but also became a target of numerous hacking attacks. In Poland, the popularity of this service continues to grow. It is primarily used by public figures, including politicians, journalists, and athletes. On December 12, 2012, Pope Benedict XVI made his first tweet on the "@Pontifex" channel.

    How does Twitter work?

    The most popular Twitter account belongs to Justin Bieber, who has over 35 million followers. The top five accounts in the global rankings include Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Rihanna, and Barack Obama.

    If you want to understand how Twitter works, it is best to create your own account there. In practice, it is easier to grasp the possibilities. Once you do that, it's worth reading the "Twitter glossary" to better understand what people are talking about there.


    Here are some terms that will help you start your Twitter adventure:

    • RT (Retweet): Means to repost someone else's message. It can be partially modified, but the essence is to indicate the source of the information.
    • @Username: By using this symbol, you create a link to the profile of the person you are mentioning. This allows your followers to understand the context of your statement or simply see who you are mentioning or replying to.
    • Hashtag (#): It is a simple keyword preceded by the # symbol. This allows you to link them together, making them easy to find. A hashtag should consist of a single phrase without spaces. If a hashtag is used by thousands of users, Twitter considers it a trend. Trends are displayed on the Twitter homepage and are seen by millions of users.
    • "DM" or "D": By placing this at the beginning of a message, you can send a direct message to a specific user whose username you must enter after these symbols.

    Special Twitter Features

    Twitter also has the ability to create lists, which can be either public or private. This allows you to group the users you follow. The name of the list is important as it helps you organize your contacts. When you follow hundreds of people, it can be difficult to find tweets of interest, so you can organize them by topics by adding people you follow to lists.

    Initially, Twitter may not seem like a very interesting service, but once you have enough followers and start following interesting people, you can create a truly engaging network of communication. It can be said that Twitter is addictive, and many users who were initially skeptical about the service have come to realize this. However, you should experience it yourself and discover the Twitter phenomenon firsthand.

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    How to Get Your First 1000 Views on YouTube

    How to Get Your First 1000 Views on YouTube

    Getting your first 1000 views on YouTube may seem like a challenging task, especially if you're just starting out on the platform. However, there are several methods and strategies that can help you attract more viewers and reach your first thousand views.

    Where to Start

    Create high-quality videos. The most important aspect is to create interesting and valuable content for your audience. Focus on making videos that engage viewers and involve them in the viewing process. Pay attention to the audio and video quality, ensuring they are clear and crisp.

    Optimize your videos. When uploading a video to YouTube, you need to optimize it to ensure that it's easily discoverable in search results. Use keywords in the video title, description, and tags to help the YouTube algorithm understand the video's content and show it to your target audience.

    Create unique video thumbnails. The video thumbnail is the first visual element that users see in search results and on your channel page. Make sure your thumbnail grabs attention and reflects the content of the video.

    Promote your videos on social media. Utilize your social media profiles to attract your followers to your YouTube channel. Sharing a link to your video on social media can help bring in more viewers to your channel.

    Collaborate with other YouTube channels. Finding and connecting with other content creators on YouTube can help you expand your audience. You can arrange cross-promotions on each other's channels to attract new viewers.

    Engage actively with your audience. Respond to comments and ask questions to engage viewers in a dialogue. This helps maintain interest in your content and increases the number of views.

    Use call-to-action (CTA) prompts. At the end of your videos, don't forget to ask viewers to subscribe to your channel and leave comments. This helps retain viewers and increases the view count.

    Post videos regularly. Consistently publishing new videos helps maintain your audience's attention and attract new viewers. Set a publishing schedule, so your audience knows when to expect new content on your channel.

    Participate in YouTube communities. YouTube has numerous communities that can be found in the "Communities" section on the homepage. Engaging with communities related to your niche can help expand your audience and receive feedback.

    Utilize YouTube advertising. Paid advertising on YouTube can help you attract new viewers to your channel. You can choose various ad formats, including in-stream ads, banner video ads, and search result page ads.

    Getting your first 1000 views on YouTube may require effort and time, but with the right strategy and approach, you can achieve this goal. Remember that quality content is the key factor that attracts viewers and keeps them on your channel.

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    From Zero to Pro: How to Learn Video Editing for YouTube

    From Zero to Pro: How to Learn Video Editing for YouTube

    YouTube has become one of the most popular social platforms in the world. Many users create their own content, upload videos, and engage with their audience. One of the key aspects of a successful channel is high-quality video editing.
    Video editing involves several stages: gathering footage, processing, editing, adding effects, speeding up or slowing down frames, overlaying music and various sound effects. But how do you start editing videos if you're just starting your YouTube channel and don't have much experience?
    First, determine which program you will work with. Beginners are better off starting with simpler programs like iMovie for Mac or Windows Movie Maker for PC. Then, begin the process of gathering and processing your video footage, trimming unwanted frames, and adding necessary ones.
    Once you've completed the assembly of your video, move on to the editing stage. Adjust the speed, fine-tune the lighting, add sound effects and music, trim unnecessary frames, and create transitions between them.
    Gradually, you will start to notice improvements in your videos. Editing is a process that requires patience and perseverance, but the results are worth it. Enhanced video quality attracts a larger audience, which positively impacts the growth of your channel.
    So, if you want to make your videos more professional, follow the advice for beginner editors and apply them in practice. Don't be discouraged if things don't go perfectly the first time. Work hard, and you will achieve success in the world of YouTube!
    Our article, "From Zero to Pro: How to Learn Video Editing for YouTube?" will help you understand the intricacies of editing and give you a chance to succeed on YouTube!

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    How much can you earn on YouTube

    How much can you earn on YouTube

    Among the multitude of platforms for content creation and publishing, YouTube occupies one of the top positions. Millions of people watch videos on this video hosting platform every day, and content creators make money from it. But how much can you earn on YouTube and how does it work?
    In our time, creating video content is becoming increasingly popular and accessible. While in the past, special skills and equipment were needed for professional video production, today, a smartphone with a decent camera and an internet connection allow anyone interested to create videos and publish them on YouTube.
    Earnings on YouTube are generated through advertisements that are displayed before, during, or in the form of banners on the channel's page. To earn revenue, you need to join the partnership program offered by YouTube. After joining, you can receive money from the ads placed on your channel's page. The more views and subscribers your channel has, the more money you can earn.
    However, how much you can earn on YouTube depends on several factors. For example, the channel's niche, the number of subscribers and views, the region where the video is being watched, the duration of the ads, and many other factors. The primary factor for income is the number of views, appropriate advertisements, and the promotion of your channel on social media.
    Apart from advertisements, there are other sources of income on YouTube as well. For example, selling your own products and services, receiving donations from viewers, or securing sponsorship deals.
    It is worth noting that many YouTubers do not earn significant income and cannot make it their primary occupation. However, there are those who have become millionaires thanks to their YouTube channels.
    In conclusion, it can be said that earnings on YouTube depend on many factors, and it will be individual for each content creator.

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    How to get Instagram followers to promote your channel

    How to get Instagram followers to promote your channel

    What type of content will captivate your audience and stimulate subscribers' interest in purchasing from you? How can you effectively improve engagement with your Instagram posts? In this article, you will find a couple of effective tips.
    Compared to other social media platforms, Instagram has millions of active users who are incredibly engaged with various types of content.
    In this environment, businesses have the opportunity to advertise their products and services to a specific audience. Moreover, you can target this particular audience without spending a lot of money on advertising, unlike Facebook or Google ads. This makes Instagram an excellent tool for increasing engagement and boosting sales.
    So, whether you want to improve your current marketing strategy or start from scratch, you will likely find the tips presented below useful.

    Create a concept plan for future posts

    Believe it or not, when they say a concept plan will make your life much easier, it's because it will save you a lot of time in the future. Therefore, creating one is the first step in your winning Instagram strategy.
    What does a concept plan consist of? Typically, it includes a list of topics for daily posting. And depending on how far ahead you're willing to plan, you can create a concept plan for a week or even a month.
    Keep in mind how many posts you publish each day. When you've just created an account and don't have many followers, it's perfectly fine to post multiple times a day (6-7 posts) to attract as many people as possible. However, once your account becomes popular enough and you have a sufficient number of followers, you can limit the daily number of posts to just 2-3.

    Engagement analysis of your audience

    The second step is one of the most important aspects of posting on Instagram – understanding your target audience. By analyzing their needs and studying their habits, you can make your posts even more effective.
    For example, knowing the peak activity times of your audience can be crucial. Typically, Instagram posts during lunchtime as people have a couple of minutes to check their Instagram feeds. Your goal is to provide people with interesting and engaging content that will hopefully lead them to place orders for your products.
    You can achieve this by comparing the time zone of your audience with your own and selecting the best time for posting. This feature can be found on websites like or other similar platforms.
    Additionally, social platforms provide users with free analytics for their accounts.

    Select the best time for posting

    By conducting research, you can see that your working hours may differ from the peak activity time of your audience. However, there are several tools you can use to schedule your posts, such as SocialPilot or Buffer.

    Create your own Instagram posts

    The visual aspect of your Instagram account is crucial as it creates the right impression for your potential customers. Therefore, you need to carefully consider this aspect. Here are some key features to pay special attention to.

    Instagram Feed

    Just like your store should have two or three main colors, the same applies to your Instagram account: try using the same colors to style your page as it will make it more noticeable.
    Next, choose an image editor that you will use to create posts. Photoshop, Figma, or Befunky should do the job. It doesn't really matter which one you choose as long as you find it convenient. Then proceed to create templates for your account. Don't forget to vary them but keep them in the same style.

    Instagram Stories

    If you want to enhance the visual aspect of your account, create additional templates for Instagram stories. Stories have proven to be one of the most effective tools for any business. Through them, you can engage with your followers and inform them about new products, sales, promotions, etc.

    Create the right caption and hashtags

    Of course, the visual aspect of Instagram is what catches the eye, but don't forget about the textual information. Here's what you can do:

    Write compelling captions

    Captions are what provide the main information in a post. However, remember that they should be short, simple, and to the point. Also, include a call to action to further engage your followers!

    Utilize Hashtags

    Create your own hashtag: for example, you can use the name of your store. This will greatly simplify the search for your account. Additionally, use hashtags related to the topic of your post or your account in general. This approach allows you to find and connect with people who share similar interests.
    However, using too many hashtags will make your posts look like spam, which will only annoy your followers. So, keep the number of hashtags to a minimum – 5 or 6 hashtags should be sufficient.

    Engage with Your Followers

    For any business using Instagram for marketing, establishing a connection with followers is crucial.
    To build this connection, check your direct messages and respond to them in a timely manner. By following these steps, you'll have the opportunity to foster friendly relationships with your followers, making your page more trustworthy and reliable.
    How to improve email engagement for business growth: a summary.
    By following the aforementioned tips, you'll be managing your Instagram account like a pro.
    Here's a list of things that will help you become even more effective on this social media platform:

    • Know what you're going to post every day. When you have a consistent daily or even monthly plan, you don't have to spend time thinking about suitable post topics in the future. Instead, you can use that time to further improve your ideas.
    • Understand what your potential customers want, need, and love. You should know these things in order to better interact with your potential customers and make your advertising efforts as effective as possible.

    Create Posts at the Best Time

    When targeting a foreign audience, it's important to adhere to their local time. This includes posting messages, news, and updates accordingly.

    • Make your Instagram account unique and recognizable. You need to ensure a memorable design for your Instagram profile so that people who visit your page would want to come back and make future purchases.
    • Ensure your captions have the right length and capture readers' attention. When writing captions, keep them short, get straight to the point, and encourage the reader to take action. Additionally, use relevant and related hashtags.
    • Connect with your audience. Establishing friendly relationships with customers is highly important. Don't forget to respond to their questions, engage with their comments, and promptly reply to their direct messages.

    By following these tips, you can create an online store that cares about its customers and strives to assist them in every possible way. As a result, people are more likely to prefer your store over your competitors.

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