Why is the CIS community not fond of NFTs and DeFi?

Why is the CIS community not fond of NFTs and DeFi?

As you may have noticed, the creators of many collections try to protect their creations from falling into the hands of CIS collectors (whom they don't consider as part of their community). We're only talking about the community aspect here. Let's ponder why this happens, who's to blame, and how we can influence it.

Why is it so?

Unfortunately, this is true. All of the CIS, especially the Russian community, dislike Western collectors and creators. They all understand that if a project becomes popular in the Russian Federation, it can be shut down. We burn through collections within minutes just to earn $20-30, and no one cares about the roadmap, whitepaper, and so on. We need money, give us money.

Who's to blame?!

Have you visited the project's RU rooms on Discord? It's impossible to stay there due to an abundance of spam, stickers, constant arguing, and overall dissatisfaction. We have shaped this perception of ourselves. We don't behave the way it's accepted in the West, and as a result, we're not liked, which leads to CIS IPs being blacklisted on marketplaces, and by the time you figure out the proxy, it's already sold out. We rarely show interest in projects; we sell immediately. We're flippers, while projects need holders, whom we scare away.

How to fix it?

We can fix this by simply behaving in a cultured and respectful manner. When entering a project's Discord, you're visiting someone's place. If you have nothing to say, it's better to remain silent than to start spamming, writing senseless curses, or offending someone. Do you think cool collectors behave that way?! ;)