
Public Contract
Privacy Policy
Refund Policy
Payment Methods
Legal information


By this public contract (offer) (hereinafter - the Agreement), the Administration of the Internet Service (hereinafter - the Administration) bestsmmlike.com (hereinafter - the Service) offers any interested party, hereinafter referred to as the User, to use the services provided by the Administration using the functional capabilities of the Service, and the Administration – site bestsmmlike.ru is the property of Kostenko Maksim Alexandrovich IP INN: 760216083007, OGRNIP: 315762700010030 (hereinafter referred to as the Administration).

In accordance with this Agreement, the Administration offers Users the opportunity to order services related to promoting accounts on specified internet platforms (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, Telegram Vkontakte, etc.).

The present Regulation is published on the Internet at the following address: https://bestsmmlike.com/terms#tos-tab-1.

This agreement is recognized as an offer under English law, i.e., "...a proposal to conclude a contract that is sufficiently definite and expresses the offeror's willingness to be legally bound by the contract, concluded in case of acceptance of the offer...".

The unconditional acceptance (acceptance) of the terms of this offer Agreement is considered to be the commencement of the use of the Service by the User to the extent available without registration and/or registration in the Service as a User. By using the Service, the User accepts and undertakes to comply with all the terms of the Agreement set forth below.

This Agreement regulates the procedure for providing services by the Administration using the functional capabilities of the Service, as well as the execution of orders placed by Users on the Service's pages.

The Service Administration, acting on behalf of , the Performer under this Agreement, on the one hand, and any person who has accepted the terms of this offer, the Customer under this Agreement, on the other hand, have agreed to conclude this Agreement on the terms set forth below. For the purposes of this Agreement, the User shall mean any person who is a resident of a country that is not subject to sanctions in the European Union.

This electronic Agreement is legally equivalent to an Agreement drawn up in writing and signed by the parties.

Terms and Definitions

"Internet Service" (hereinafter - the "Service") - a set of hardware and software tools for computers providing information and data for public viewing, united by a common purpose, through technical means used to communicate between computers on the Internet. The Service is available under a unique alphabetic designation. The Service in this Agreement means the website located on the Internet at the address - https://bestsmmlike.com.

"Administration of the Internet Service" (hereinafter - the "Administration") - representatives of the Service authorized by the owner of the Service to manage the Service and control its functioning under this Agreement. The Service Administration in this Agreement means.

"User of the Internet Service" (hereinafter - the "User") - a person who uses the Service in a manner regulated by this Agreement and other documents published on the Service's pages.

"Services" - a set of software and informational methods and ways that the Administration uses to provide the User with the result envisaged for the selected scope and type of services within the framework of the Service.

"Personal Account" - a set of protected pages in the Service created during the registration of the User.

"Account/Profile" - a unique username (login) and password for accessing the User's personal pages within the Service.

"Tariff" - the proposed scope and type of Services offered for ordering by Users within the Service.

"Service Object" - an account on internet platforms (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, Telegram, Vkontakte, etc.), in relation to which the Administration provides services within the Service.

"Public Contract (Offer) of the Internet Service" - this Agreement, published at - https://bestsmmlike.com/terms#tos-tab-1.

1. Subject of the Agreement

1.1. This Agreement regulates the relations that arise between the Administration and the User in the process of using the functional capabilities of the Service and its services by the User.

1.2. This Agreement has been developed by the Administration and contains the basic norms and rules based on which the Service operates. This Agreement may be supplemented by terms and rules contained in its appendices, other documents regulating the relations within the Service and published on its pages, as well as terms and rules posted by the Administration on the Service's pages in the form of informational materials, explanations, etc.

1.3. The Service is an internet platform where the Administration provides Users with services strictly in accordance with this Agreement, as well as in accordance with other documents regulating the operation of the Service and the relationship between the User and the Administration.

1.4. The Administration provides Users with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the Tariffs, which are published in the User's Personal Account and on the Service's pages.

1.5. The Administration reserves the right to make changes to the text of this Agreement, notifying Users by publishing a new version of the Agreement on the Internet. The User must regularly monitor changes to the Agreement. If the User disagrees with the new version of the Agreement, the User must immediately cease using the Service. In case the User continues to use the Service after the new version of the Agreement comes into force, the User thereby confirms their full agreement with the new version of the Agreement.

1.6. The User must fully familiarize themselves with the Agreement before ordering the service. Using the Service implies the complete and unconditional acceptance by the User of this Agreement in accordance with the norms of English law.

2. Acceptance

2.1. In order to fully utilize the features and services of the Service, the User must accept this Agreement.

2.2. Acceptance of this Agreement means the User's complete acceptance and agreement with the terms of this Agreement and other documents regulating the Service's operation and posted on its pages.

2.3. From a legal perspective, acceptance of this Agreement consists of the User’s legal actions aimed at utilizing the Service’s features. Such actions include the User completing the registration process in the Service and being granted the status of "User" or starting to use the Service without registration to the extent permitted by the Service's features.

2.4. The User is prohibited from using the Service's features (its services) without fully and unconditionally agreeing to the terms of this Agreement.

2.5. All electronic documents, notifications, and declarations made or performed remotely via the Service and within the framework of this Agreement are considered to be executed in simple written form appropriately.

2.6. The term for accepting this Agreement is unlimited or is set individually.

3. Registration

3.1. The Administration offers the User the opportunity to complete the registration process in the Service to gain access to the Service’s features.

3.2. The User is given the opportunity to complete the registration process and acquire the legal status of a registered User.

3.3. The registration process in the Service can be carried out traditionally (commonly accepted on the Internet) by filling out a registration form and confirming registration by clicking on a link in an authorization email from the Service.

3.4. During the registration process, the User must complete a registration form with personal data. After completing the registration form, a link will be sent to the User’s email address, which the User must click to confirm the email address. After the first authorization in the Service, the Administration provides the User with access to their personal account and the Service's features.

4. Legal Status of the Administration

4.1. The Administration acts on behalf of the Service within the framework of this Agreement and other documents regulating the operation of the Service.

4.2. The Administration oversees the operation of the Service, its functionality, and the actions of users while they utilize the Service's features.

4.3. The Administration reserves the right to restrict access to the Service for Users who violate the terms and requirements of this Agreement and other documents regulating the use of the Service.

4.4. The Administration has the right to:

4.4.1. change the design of the Service, its Content, the list of services, and modify or supplement the software and other objects used or stored in the Service, including any server applications, at any time, with or without prior notice;

4.4.2. send messages to the User via email or other available means concerning the use of the Service, the order of service provision, etc., as necessary;

4.4.3. change the conditions for providing an account or terminate its operation (temporarily or permanently) with or without prior notice;

4.4.4. modify or delete any Content that, at the Administration's discretion, violates or may violate English law, the terms of this Agreement, or the rights of third parties, and suspend, restrict, or terminate the User’s access to all or any part of the Service, with or without prior notice;

4.4.5. request User consent to process personal/commercial data at any time and in any form;

4.4.6. import and store personal/commercial data to which the User has granted access;

4.4.7. impose additional restrictions on the use of the Service and change such restrictions at any time;

4.4.8. take other actions to improve the quality and convenience of the User’s experience with the Service.

4.5. The Administration undertakes to:

4.5.1. provide information and personal data left by users to third parties and other users, considering the provisions of this Agreement and the norms of applicable English law.

4.5.2. The list of rights of the Administration regulated by clause 4.4. of this Agreement is not exhaustive.

5. Legal Status of the User

5.1. Upon completion of the registration process, the User is granted the legal status of a registered User of the Service.

5.2. The User’s legal status allows them to use the Service’s features and order services according to the selected Tariff.

5.3. The User agrees to provide the Administration with all necessary information, materials, and data that the Administration may require to provide services.

5.4. The User has the right to:

5.4.1. Order services according to the selected Tariff;

5.4.2. Familiarize themselves with informational materials published on the Service’s pages;

5.4.3. Utilize the Service’s features;

5.4.4. Demand the Administration adhere to the terms of this Agreement and other documents regulating the Service’s operation;

5.4.5. Submit inquiries to the Administration regarding the Service’s operation and the procedure for providing services.

5.5. The User agrees to:

5.5.1. Comply with all terms of this Agreement and other documents regulating the Service’s operation;

5.5.2. Provide only truthful data and make necessary corrections if such data changes, in the manner prescribed by this Agreement and other documents regulating the relationship between the Administration and the User;

5.5.3. Not use the services provided by the Administration for illegal purposes or purposes that may harm the Service and/or third parties;

5.5.4. Not disclose confidential information that becomes known to them as a result of their relationship with the Service;

5.5.5. Not perform actions prohibited by this Agreement in the Service;

5.5.6. Not violate the citation, copying, and distribution policy for Content commonly accepted on the Internet;

5.5.7. Familiarize themselves with the content of this Agreement and other rules regulating the provision of services by the Administration and the use of the Service at least once every two (2) months.

5.6. When using the Service, the User is prohibited from:

5.6.1. Using the Service in any way that may interfere with the normal operation of the Service and its elements;

5.6.2. Uploading, storing, publishing, distributing, or providing access to viruses and other malicious software;

5.6.3. Performing actions aimed at destabilizing the Service’s operation, attempting unauthorized access to the Service’s management or its restricted sections, and performing any other similar actions;

5.6.4. Using automated scripts (programs) to collect information and/or interact with the Service;

5.6.5. Attempting to gain access to another user’s account (profile) against the will of the registered user to whom it belongs, by any means, including hacking;

5.6.6. The list of obligations and restrictions for the User regulated by clauses 5.5 and 5.6 of this Agreement is not exhaustive.

6. Procedure for Ordering and Providing Services

6.1. To order services, the User must first select the desired Tariff and pay for it.

6.2. The selection of the Tariff and its order are carried out using the Service’s software.

6.3. The Parties agree that the Acceptance Certificate of the rendered services under this Agreement (offer) is executed between the Parties electronically. The acceptance of the Acceptance Certificate of the rendered services by the Administration is considered to be the moment the services are completed by the Administration. If the User does not send a reasoned refusal to accept the services to the Administration within one calendar day from the completion of the services, the Acceptance Certificate of the rendered services is considered to be agreed upon by the User, and the services are accepted in full and without claims.

7. Price and Payment Procedure

7.1. Under this Agreement, the User pays the Administration the cost of the selected Tariff, the list and cost of which are published in the User’s personal account and on the Service’s pages.

7.2. The User understands and confirms that any financial transactions conducted by the User within the Service (except for direct payments for the selected Tariff) are considered advance payments for future orders, which are recorded for the User and can be checked by the User in the Personal Account.

7.3. Payment under this Agreement is made in the form of a 100% prepayment by the methods offered on the Service’s pages.

7.4. Payment under this Agreement is made in the EU currency - euros. The payment currency can be additionally agreed upon between the parties.

7.5. The Parties confirm that the refund of funds paid by the User at the time of order placement is regulated by a separate Provision of the Service, namely the "Refund Policy."

8. Intellectual Property Rights

8.1. All objects accessible through the Service, including design elements, text, graphic images, illustrations, videos, computer programs, databases, and other objects (hereinafter referred to as the content of the Service), as well as any content posted on the pages of the Service, are the exclusive rights of the Administration and other rights holders.

8.2. The use of content and any other elements of the Service is only possible within the functionality of the Service. No elements of the content of the Service, nor any content posted on the pages of the Service, may be used in any other way without prior permission from the rights holder. Usage includes, but is not limited to, reproduction, copying, modification, distribution on any basis, display in a frame, etc. Exceptions are cases explicitly provided by law or the terms of use of the specific functionality of the Service.

8.3. The User is allowed to use elements of the content of the Service and any content for personal, non-commercial use, provided that all copyright notices, related rights, trademarks, other authorship notifications, and the name (or pseudonym) of the author/rights holder are preserved in their original form and the corresponding object is kept unchanged. Exceptions are cases explicitly provided by law or other documents regulating the Service's operation.

9. Personal Account

9.1. Upon the User's registration in the Service, for the convenience of using the Service and the Administration's services, the User receives access to a personal account. The personal account is understood as a set of protected pages within the Service, created during the User's registration.

9.2. Access to the Personal Account is carried out by the User through the input of the User’s Account information.

9.3. The User's Personal Account includes a menu for easy navigation, containing available functions, including: placing a new order, order history, Tariffs and their costs, advance payment options, the Service's referral program, etc.

10. Term of the Agreement

10.1. This Agreement comes into force upon the User's acceptance and remains effective throughout the entire period of the User's use of the Service and its services.

10.2. Early termination of this Agreement is carried out by sending the relevant notification from the User to the Administration.

10.3. The offer of this Agreement is valid from the moment it is published on the pages of the Service and remains effective indefinitely.

11. Confidentiality

11.1. The procedure for processing users' personal data is regulated by the Privacy Policy for personal data.

11.2. The Administration guarantees the collection, processing, and storage of users' personal data in strict accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, international regulatory legal acts in the field of collection, processing, protection, and use of personal data, as well as generally accepted rules for the processing, storage, and transmission of personal data on the Internet, and other regulatory legal documents governing the procedure for processing, storing, and transmitting personal data on the Internet.

11.3. By accepting this Agreement, the User consents to receiving informational, advertising, and other letters, requests, notifications, etc., regarding the Administration's services and the services of third parties that are in partnership with the Administration, to the provided personal and contact data.

12. Force Majeure

12.1. The Administration is released from liability for partial or complete non-fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement if such non-fulfillment is due to the occurrence of force majeure circumstances that arose after the publication of this Agreement as a result of circumstances that the parties could not foresee or prevent.

12.2. Force majeure circumstances include events that make it impossible for the relevant party to fulfill the obligations under the contract: earthquakes, floods, other natural disasters, fires, nuclear and other industrial accidents, as well as strikes, military actions, civil unrest, or acts of government bodies that prevent the fulfillment of the Agreement's terms. All other obstacles, regardless of their nature or characteristics, are not considered force majeure, except for those specifically recognized by the parties as caused by force majeure circumstances.

13. Liability

13.1. The Parties shall be liable for non-performance or improper performance of obligations under this Agreement in accordance with the applicable English law.

13.2. The Party that caused damage to the other Party shall compensate for this damage in accordance with English law.

13.3. The Administration shall be liable for breaches of the terms of this Agreement to the extent of the damage incurred and lost profits, but not exceeding the value of the contractual relations that have arisen between the Parties.

14. Disputes

14.1. All disputes and disagreements arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved by the Parties through negotiations.

14.2. The pre-trial claim procedure for the settlement of disputes arising from the Agreement is mandatory for the Parties.

14.3. Claims shall be sent by the Parties by courier or registered mail with delivery confirmation to the address of the Parties.

14.4. Claims may not be sent by the Parties using any other methods.

14.5. The period for reviewing a claim is 15 (fifteen) calendar days from the date of receipt by the recipient.

14.6. If agreement cannot be reached through negotiations or if negotiations are refused, disputes and disagreements arising out of or in connection with the Agreement, including those related to its performance, breach, termination, or validity, shall be resolved in a court located at the place of the Administration, in accordance with the applicable English law.

15. Final Provisions

15.1. The Parties confirm that they have fully acquainted themselves with the terms of this Agreement and confirm that they have sufficient rights to enter into contractual relations as provided for by the terms of this Agreement.

15.2. This Agreement is a public offer and contains all the essential terms necessary for its conclusion.

15.3. The Parties are obliged to notify each other within two days in case of changes to their details. The Administration has the right to make such notification by publishing the relevant information on the pages of the Service.

15.4. Under this Agreement, the Parties agree that correspondence between the Parties via official email addresses constitutes official correspondence, which forms the basis for the acquisition and termination of certain rights and obligations within the framework of this Agreement.

15.5. This Agreement is governed by the applicable English law, international law, and legal documents published on the pages of the Service.

15.6. If any terms are deemed invalid under applicable laws, the remaining terms shall remain in full force.

15.7. The Administration's email address for user inquiries: info@bestsmmlike.com

Updated – 27.05.2024.
Published by the Administration.


By using this service and / or website, you agree to this offer agreement and you are at least 14 years old.




This Privacy Policy is the official policy of the online service bestsmmlike.com (hereinafter referred to as the "Service"). To use the services, the user must provide the Service Administration with personal data, which may be required by the Service Administration to provide services. By providing their data to the Service Administration, the User consents to the collection, processing, storage, and transfer of such data to third parties for the purpose of organizing the provision of services. Within the framework of the Service, users are provided with the opportunity to order services related to the promotion of accounts on specified internet platforms (Telegram, YouTube, Likee, TikTok, Vkontakte, etc.).

This Policy is published on the internet at https://bestsmmlike.com/terms#tos-tab-2.

The Administration reserves the right to use personal data to fulfill contractual obligations that have been agreed upon between the parties.

The collection, processing, storage, and transfer of users' personal data, which has been voluntarily provided by such users, is carried out under the following conditions:

  • The Service Administration respects the privacy of users and has developed this Privacy Policy to demonstrate its commitment to protecting the privacy of Users. This Privacy Policy describes the information that the Service Administration collects, how this information may be used, to whom it may be disclosed, and in what cases it may be disclosed. The Service Administration recommends that Users carefully read this Privacy Policy when using the Service or conducting business with the Service Administration. By using the Service, the User accepts the rules described in this Privacy Policy.
  • This Policy is developed in strict accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (GDPR) "On the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data", as well as other regulatory documents that regulate the procedure for processing, storing, and transferring personal data on the internet.
  • By its nature, this document is an offer, namely a unilateral proposal to an unlimited number of persons to conclude an agreement on the terms specified in this document. Any active actions by the User within the Service (including registration) are recognized by the Service Administration as acceptance (agreement) of this offer and indicate that the User has read the terms of this Privacy Policy, accepts these terms, consents to the processing of their personal and other personal data, and confirms that they have the legal capacity to enter into such contractual relationships according to the jurisdiction of their state.
  • If one or more provisions of this Privacy Policy become invalid or unenforceable, this does not affect the validity or applicability of the remaining provisions of this Privacy Policy.
  • The User is personally responsible for checking this Privacy Policy for any changes. The Service Administration reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to amend or supplement this Privacy Policy at any time without prior or subsequent notice. The Service Administration will publish such changes and/or additions to this Agreement. Further use of the Service and its services after any such changes means full acceptance of such changes and additions. The moment of changes to this Policy is the date of publication of the new edition of the Policy on the pages of the Service at the specified address.


1. The Service Administration may collect information that can identify the User (including email, IP addresses, device information, payment details, social media account information). The Service Administration may collect this information through the Service (at the time of User registration). By using the Service, the User allows the collection, analysis, and storage of data related to the provision of services and cooperation within the framework of the Service.

2. During the use of the Service, the User provides the Service Administration with personal and other information necessary for the Service Administration to provide services, including information that may be transferred by the Service Administration to third parties for the organization of service provision.

3. The Service Administration reserves the right to transfer the received information to counterparties in order to fulfill obligations to such parties.

4. The Service Administration reserves the right to transfer the received information to state authorities and departments upon their request, in accordance with the law and other regulatory acts of the current legislation, as well as international law.

5. Any personal data is processed in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (GDPR) "On the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data". The Service Administration uses the provided data only for the purposes listed in this Policy, as well as for improving the quality of the Service and its services.

6. The Service Administration does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by the User but reserves the right to monitor the accuracy of such personal data. The Service Administration is not responsible for negative consequences and conflict situations that arise as a result of the User providing erroneous personal data.


1. To start using the services, the User will be asked to provide certain data by filling out a registration form (and further verifying the User through their personal account). The Service Administration may collect and store any personal information that the User provides when using the Service or in any other way. Any data received is collected, processed, stored, and used by the Service Administration in strict accordance with this Policy, as well as the regulatory acts that govern the use of Users' personal data.


1. The Service Administration uses various technologies to collect information from the User's device and about the User's actions within the Service.

2. The Service Administration reserves the right to use automated scripts, plugins, and other software products to collect, process, store, and transfer the User's personal and other data, which were previously uploaded or transferred by such a User during the use of the Service.

3. The Service Administration reserves the right to make changes to the procedure for collecting, processing, storing, and transferring personal and other data received from the User. Any changes to the terms of collection, processing, storage, and transfer of personal and other data are made publicly, with mandatory notification of the User through the Service or other communication channels that were formed as a result of the User providing personal contact data. After making changes to these conditions, the new version of this document will be published and brought to the attention of all Users of the Service.


1. The User has the following rights according to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (GDPR) "On the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data":

 1.1. The right to receive information about the processing of personal data;

 1.2. The right to access their personal data held and processed by the Administration;

 1.3. The right to request correction of personal data related to the User held and processed by the Administration;

 1.4. The right to request the deletion of User data ("right to be forgotten");

 1.5. The right to restrict the processing of User personal data;

 1.6. The right to object to the processing of personal data;

 1.7. The right to object to the processing of personal data for direct marketing purposes;

 1.8. The right to data portability;

 1.9. The right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data;

 1.10. The right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority.


1. The Service Administration automatically collects information from the User's browser or device when visiting the Service. This information may include the IP address, device identifier and type, browser type and language, operating system (mobile system) used on the device, access time, geographic location of the access device.

2. The Service Administration may also collect other information and data that may be needed by the Service to provide services. In such cases, the User will receive a corresponding request for permission to collect additional information and data.


1. Cookies are small pieces of information that a website stores on a User's computer or mobile device when visiting the Service. This allows the server to aggregate information from the browser so that the User does not have to re-enter data when returning to the Service or viewing different pages. To learn more about how cookies work, Users can visit www.cookiecentral.com.

2. When a User visits the Service, the Service Administration (Software) may place one or more cookies on the User's device to facilitate future access to the Service and personalize the User's experience when using the Service and its services. Through cookie files, the Service Administration can automatically collect information about the User's actions within the Service, the pages visited by the User, the time and date of visits, etc.

3. Each User can change their browser settings to stop storing cookies. Users can accept or reject the use of cookies through built-in browser features. Some cookies may be placed by third-party service providers who perform certain functions for the Service Administration.

4. Cookie data is used solely for the quality and complete provision of access to the Service and the provision of informational and other services through the Service, including:

  • Recognizing new or previous users;
  • Remembering User preference settings;
  • Remembering whether the User has already responded to pop-up questions;
  • Remembering whether the User has consented (or not) to the use of cookies within the Service;
  • Collecting anonymous statistics on the overall usage of the Service;
  • Sending Users advertisements that match their interests. Cookies are also used to limit the number of times a User views advertisements;
  • Collecting accurate information about the use of the Service, which will allow an assessment of how well the Service meets the needs of Users and make any necessary improvements.


1. The Service Administration may use standard Internet technologies such as web beacons and similar technologies to track the usage of the Service. The Service Administration may include web beacons in advertisements or email messages to determine if these messages have been opened. Information obtained by the Service Administration in this way allows customization of the services offered to Users, targeted advertising delivery, and evaluation of the overall effectiveness of online advertising, content, or other activities.

2. Any use of technologies in the operation of the Service is carried out exclusively within the framework of the current English legislation, international norms of the European Union, and generally accepted norms of the Internet community.


1. The Service Administration may allow service providers, advertising companies and ad networks, as well as other third parties to display advertisements on the Service pages. These companies may use tracking technologies such as cookies and web beacons to collect information about users who view and interact with their ads.

2. The Service does not provide any anonymous personal information to third parties except as expressly provided in this Policy or by applicable law.


1. The Service Administration may use the information for:

 1.1. Providing and improving services;

 1.2. Managing User accounts and providing customer support;

 1.3. Conducting research and analysis on Service usage;

 1.4. Communicating with Users via email;

 1.5. Developing, displaying, and tracking content and advertisements;

 1.6. Service analytics;

 1.7. Enforcing any rights specified in the documents posted on the Service pages.


1. Personal information. The Service Administration does not transfer personal information to third parties except as provided in this Privacy Policy.

2. The Service Administration may share personal information with service providers. The Service Administration may share information, including personal information, with third parties that perform certain services on behalf of the Service Administration. These service providers may have access to personal information necessary to perform their functions but are not authorized to distribute or use such information for any other purposes.

3. The Service Administration may disclose information, including personal information:

  • In response to a subpoena, court order, or request for cooperation with law enforcement or other government agencies; to establish or exercise legal rights, to defend against legal claims.
  • When the Service Administration believes disclosure is appropriate in connection with efforts to investigate, prevent, or take other action regarding illegal activity, fraud, and other wrongdoing; to protect the rights, property, or safety of users; to comply with applicable laws or cooperate with law enforcement; or to ensure compliance with the terms of use of the Service or other agreements.


1. The User may choose not to provide certain information, but this may result in the inability to use the services.


1. The Service Administration takes security measures to protect Users' personal information from unauthorized access and disclosure. However, no system can be entirely secure. Therefore, the Service Administration does not guarantee that personal information will always remain secure. Users should also take care of how they handle and disclose personal information and should avoid sending personal information through unprotected channels.

2. The Service Administration provides protection and security of obtained personal data in accordance with generally accepted data protection practices in the Internet community, as well as in strict compliance with international standards for the collection, processing, storage, and transmission of users' personal data over the Internet.

Updated – 31.05.2024.
Published by the Administration.


(This is Appendix No. 1 to the Public Agreement (Offer) of the Internet Service bestsmmlike.com)

This policy on the refund procedure for the Internet Service bestsmmlike.com regulates the grounds, conditions, and procedure for refunding funds paid by Users.

This policy applies to all contractual relationships that arise between the User and the Administration within the framework of the Service.

According to clause 7.5 of the public agreement (offer) of the Service, the service is considered provided in the absence of a motivated refusal to accept the services provided by the User.

If the User is dissatisfied with the quality of the services provided, they are provided with the opportunity to contact the Administration with a claim, within which they should describe the reasons and grounds for the refund of funds previously paid by the User for the ordered services.

Refunds are possible only in cases of improper provision of services by the Administration.

Claims about the improper quality of services can be sent by the User to the official email address of the Administration - info@bestsmmlike.com.

After receiving a User's request, the Administration considers it and provides a response to the User. If the Administration deems the User's claims legitimate and justified, it may refund the User the paid funds. Refunds are made to the details from which such funds were paid. Additionally, the Administration has the right to withhold a commission fee amounting to 10% of the payment for transferring funds to the User.

In cases where the User mistakenly ordered a service and such service was not provided by the Administration, the User has the right to request a refund of the mistakenly paid funds from the Administration. The Administration reviews the User's request and provides a response within ten days. In case of a positive decision by the Administration, the funds are returned to the details from which they were paid to the Administration, minus any commission costs that may arise during the refund process.

Any other disputed situations regarding the quality of services provided and the User's demands for refund (full or partial) of paid funds are resolved in an extrajudicial procedure provided for in clauses 14.1. – 14.6. of the public agreement (offer) of the Service.

Published by the Service Administration
Updated - 31.05.2024


Credit card Credit card
Crypto Crypto
Perfect Money Perfect Money

Credit card

Accepted payment methods: VISA, MasterCard.
To pay for the goods with a bank card when placing an order, select the payment method: Credit card.
When paying for the order with a bank card, payment processing takes place on the bank's authorization page, where you need to enter your bank card details:

  • Card type
  • Card number
  • Expiry date
  • CVC2/CVV2 code

If your card is enrolled in the **3D-Secure** service, you will be automatically redirected to the bank page that issued the card to undergo the authentication procedure. For information on additional identification rules and methods, please contact the Bank that issued your bank card.


To pay using cryptocurrency when placing an order, select the payment method: Crypto or Cryptomus or Payeer or Coinbase.
When paying with cryptocurrency, you will be redirected to the cryptocurrency system page:

  • Choose the cryptocurrency you want to use for payment from the options provided (for example, Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, Litecoin, etc.);
  • The system will generate a unique wallet address and the amount in the selected cryptocurrency for payment.
  • Use your cryptocurrency wallet to transfer the specified amount to the provided address.
  • After completing the transfer, wait for confirmation of the transaction on the blockchain (confirmation time may vary depending on the selected cryptocurrency).
  • Once the transaction is confirmed, the system will notify you of the payment receipt.

Perfect Money

To pay using Perfect Money when placing an order, select the payment method: Perfect Money.

  • You will be redirected to the Perfect Money page to log in to your account or create a new one if you don't have it yet.
  • If you already have a Perfect Money account, enter your account details (login and password) and log in to the system.
  • Otherwise, register by following the instructions on the page.
  • After logging in or successfully registering, enter payment details such as the amount and wallet number.
  • Confirm the payment details and proceed with the payment following the instructions on the Perfect Money page.
  • After successfully confirming the payment, you will be redirected back to our service.


IP Kostenko Maxim Aleksandrovich

  • INN: 760216083007
  • OGRNIP: 315762700010030