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Why and How to Boost Views on a YouTube Channel

Why and How to Boost Views on a YouTube Channel

There is a lot of competition on the YouTube platform today. To gain popularity, it is not enough to simply create good content, especially for channels that regularly conduct live streams. To prevent the channel from being empty in the initial stages, viewers can be boosted through various methods.

Reasons for Boosting Views

Boosting views on a YouTube live stream allows you to:

  1. Quickly get into the top category for live streams. The higher the position of the stream in the general list, the more viewers it can attract naturally.
  2. Increase the number of viewers. This point is related to the previous one. To get to the top, the stream must be watched by as many users as possible. But where to get them if there are few subscribers on the channel? This is where YouTube view boosting comes in, allowing you to quickly get a starting number of views.
  3. Get into the "Recommended Videos" section. This section is a dream for many novice bloggers as it provides a large natural increase in audience. It is extremely difficult to get there without boosting views.

In the end, boosting views on a live stream boils down to one task – increasing the popularity and audience of the channel. This, in turn, allows you to earn revenue from advertising and attract advertisers.

Recommendations for Boosting Views

There are two ways to boost views:

  • using special programs;
  • through online services.

The second option is more preferable as it is faster and more convenient.
Boosting views on a live stream itself will be useless if the quality of the content is low. It is not recommended to use swear words during the stream. It is necessary to ensure the quality of the sound and video and plan the script carefully. To increase activity, it is important to actively engage in dialogue with viewers. It is best to schedule streams at certain times.
It is not advisable to abuse view boosting, especially in the beginning by spending on a large number of views. Growth should be gradual. The number of boosted viewers should be reduced as real users are attracted to the channel.

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How to promote VKontakte public pages

How to promote VKontakte public pages

Pay special attention to the service of promoting VKontakte public pages. In principle, a public page (this is the name of public profiles in this social network) can be considered a relatively new feature of VKontakte, as it appeared only a few years ago. But this innovation quickly became mega-popular - no less, if not more in demand than groups. If users join a community, then subscribing to a public page is necessary. And those who have their own public page - on a personal topic, or some business interests, of course, want as many people as possible to be subscribed to their page. But people will not simply subscribe to public pages - something needs to really grab their attention, in terms of content.

Increasing the number of real subscribers.

Too many new public pages are being created every day on the social network, and it is really difficult to compete with them (let alone with existing "monsters") without the help of specialists. The point is not even in the right content, but in the quality of providing such a service as increasing the number of subscribers to a VKontakte public page. Our professionals work with special technologies, thanks to which subscribers to your public pages become real users, and not just some virtual bots. Moreover, these users:

  • can be very active,
  • can leave likes,
  • can comment on posts if this service is enabled,
  • can make reposts,
  • can participate in discussions.

The benefits of promoting a VK public page

Promoting VK public pages can be very beneficial for you, just like promoting communities. When your public page reaches a certain number of followers and rating points, advertisers will start approaching you with invitations and requests to place their ads in the form of a post on your page for a certain amount of money. This can help you earn a lot more than what you spend on specialists to promote your page. Knowing how to promote a public page is also essential for people engaged in any kind of business, as advertising through a popular public page is incredibly effective, no matter what product or service you advertise. Consequently, your business will be able to reach a completely new level of quality.

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How to Increase Followers and Likes on TikTok

How to Increase Followers and Likes on TikTok

Those who want to become popular on TikTok, as well as other social media platforms, should first realize that it takes time and consistent effort every single day. There's no magic wand here, and no one can promise results to those who do nothing.

What is TikTok?

TikTok is a social network launched in 2016, originally known as, which allows users to create and publish videos up to 60 seconds long, changing the playback speed and adding special filters and effects. Its operation is simple and mainly based on the viral aspect of content, which tends to create tension and keep the user glued to the screen.
Another feature of TikTok is challenges that users can perform, making it very interesting from a communication perspective.

First Steps

The first thing to do is to set up your profile correctly and fill in every information that TikTok allows us to display. If you don't have a website, you can create a regular page that will allow you to get a link for publication.
Unlike Instagram, TikTok allows you to add a video instead of a profile picture. A video profile is much preferable because it can be an additional distinctive element that will help you stand out among other users. One of the most important things for those who want to develop on TikTok is to identify their audience. This is because content works differently for one group or another, so before creating and implementing your own strategy on TikTok, you need to determine the target direction.
Once the goal is defined, you can think about an editorial calendar with content that will appeal to people with this specific interest. It's easy to determine the audience to whom the videos will be shown, but it takes some time. Suppose a biker wants to post videos on TikTok about how they ride a motorcycle. The first thing to do is to search for content using the word "motorcycle" (you can use English to find an international audience).
Then you need to find the most popular profiles that post videos about motorcycles and look not only at the content they post but also at the audience interacting with them. That is, you need to analyze the videos that received the most views and understand how to improve your own videos by identifying weak points.

Catching the Trend

As in all other social media platforms, hashtags have a certain value in TikTok. By adding one or more hashtags to your posts, you can increase your video views. However, it's important to remember that using common and popular hashtags may not necessarily make you more visible - in fact, it can have the opposite effect. It's better to use more niche hashtags that correspond to the content of your video. There is no official limit on the number of hashtags in a TikTok video description, but it is recommended to use a maximum of 33.
In addition to likes and views, everyone wants to increase their number of followers. To try and give your video a bigger push, it's important to choose the right moment. Posting your video during a time interval when most of your followers (and users in general) are active on TikTok allows you to get more exposure and therefore increases your chances of getting more likes and views.
It's also important to note that your channel may have an international audience with different time zones, but in most cases users are more active during peak hours, such as lunchtime (from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM) or before dinner (from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM).

To Bot or Not to Bot - That is the Question

One of the most commonly used methods to encourage users to create content that talks about a popular video is to organize a contest with prizes. It's also important to stay active and engage with other users in order to stand out and have a better chance of appearing in their channels. After all, if someone subscribes to your channel, likes your video, or leaves a comment, you'll receive a notification with their profile name.
For those with limited time, it's not always easy to keep their profile active. In these cases, TikTok bots can be helpful as they allow you to automatically respond to comments and thereby increase your number of followers and profile visibility in a short time with minimal effort. However, the use of these applications should be exercised with caution to avoid making your profile appear too artificial and potentially receiving the opposite effect of what you desired.

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