What are behavioral factors, and is it possible to manipulate them?

What are behavioral factors, and is it possible to manipulate them?

To ensure that as many people as possible know about your company and that your services sell well, it is necessary for your website to be at the top of search engine results. This requires having pages that accurately answer search queries. If done correctly, search engines can help promote your business, but if not, your site may remain undiscovered by potential customers. As search engines constantly refine their ranking algorithms, the factors that determine site hierarchy change, but behavioral factors have been a trend in recent years.
Information has become the driving force behind development, and the emergence of the internet has allowed for the collection of statistical data and analysis of human behavior as well as trends and future events. Search engines like Google and Yandex have begun recording the behavior of over 4.6 billion people and using that information to promote everything that has found its place on the internet.
Behavioral factors refer to the data collected on user actions on the internet, website visits, behavioral activity on a page, and what information on the site was useful or not. Search engines take all of these user actions into account when forming search engine results pages and ranking them. Both search engine results pages and internal website events are analyzed, which also helps owners collect data on their clients and use it to build their business promotion strategies.
So, as mentioned above, behavioral factors can be divided into:

  • Internal - the behavior of visitors on the website. Are they actively interacting with the pages, adding them to bookmarks, returning, and completing the desired actions? How long do they stay on the page, do they click on internal links, and why do they do it: out of interest or difficulty finding what they need? By analyzing and comparing the answers to these questions, the search engine decides whether the resource satisfies the user's needs well or poorly, i.e. whether it has good or bad behavioral factors.
  • External factors relate to the user's behavior in the search results: interaction with the site's snippet, the number of clicks on the link and on your page in the search engine.

All the information and actions used in the search service are completely confidential! Tracking is only done to improve the search engine ranking system, thereby moving the most useful sites higher and pushing them to the top. You could say that it is users who determine whether your site will end up in the top ranks of Yandex or Google. And just between us: Behavioral Factors can be artificially inflated, but first let's find out what affects website ranking:

  • Bounces - when a user enters a page but leaves within 15 seconds. If there are many of such visits, the search engine considers the site uninteresting and unsuitable for users, leading to a drop in rankings (to pages 20-10-50-100).
  • Search returns - when a user enters information, spends a minute or two on it, and then returns to the search engine. The system starts considering such actions as irrelevant information.
  • Number of actions through social media widgets - referring to the widgets located directly on the website. The more users like, share links or content, the more it improves the PF.
  • Direct visits to the website - the search engine sees that the website has a location for the audience, useful and relevant content, and constantly interesting information. This way, the search engine elevates your page to the top rankings.

Now, let's approach the question of behavioral factor manipulation. Is it possible in search services? Yes, it is. There are special programs and services in Google and Yandex search engines:

  • Litesurf - a client program for the computer that allows you to automate the process of promotion and gaining visits to your websites for free.
  • Skypromotion.ru - an automated service for independent comprehensive website promotion and visitor attraction without intermediaries and overpayments. The full instruction on how to use this service can be found on their official website.
  • Megaindex.ru is one of the best services for analyzing the quantity and quality of all external links leading to a website. This tool is indispensable for website promotion and can be fully automated through a Telegram bot.

Improving Behavioral Factors using "white hat" methods and reaching the top of search results requires more time than launching bots and artificially boosting these factors. However, in the end, you will have a relevant, useful, and interesting website that genuinely interests users. This means that what you are selling is truly important and necessary to people!