One of the indicators of an actively developing community is the presence of a large number of likes under posted publications. However, not all posts or articles are capable of gaining a lot of likes and reposts. That's why group administrators use special applications to boost likes. These can be both legal and illegal programs. Due to the latter, the community can be blocked and removed from the VKontakte search results.
The social network VKontakte allows the use of the service to subscribe to receiving likes. The specified website operates in the following directions:
A subscription to likes is obtained by filling out a form, but it is necessary to determine the number of likes and posts beforehand.
Among the peculiarities of using the form to receive orders for likes, it is worth noting:
Using a paid website allows you to legally and quickly obtain likes that will be placed under publications according to the agreed schedule. Payment for an order can be made through the following methods:
The method of payment depends solely on the user's individual capabilities and preferences. Once the order is placed, after the appearance of the post in the group or public, the likes will start to appear under it. The owners of the likes will be real subscribers who will put the requested number of likes under the post each day. The average number of likes should not exceed 100 in order to avoid arousing suspicion among moderators.