Reviews as a form of earning money

Reviews as a form of earning money

Surely, many have heard about earning money by writing reviews. Unfortunately, there is a misconception that you have to write reviews for fraudulent companies. That's not true at all!
There are websites that specialize in publishing user reviews about various products and other things. They are willing to pay for them. Of course, such websites have their own benefit from this, so don't think they do it just for fun. The most well-known projects are otzovik and irecommend.
On such websites, you can leave reviews about any objects you wish. If you watched an interesting movie and have your own opinion about it, why not earn money from it?
Indeed, you can leave a review about almost anything, starting from the laundry detergent from a recently watched advertisement, to roller skates bought a few years ago.
Payment for reviews can vary, usually in two forms. The first type is quick payment, and the second is passive or payment based on views.
The first type is not always paid. Usually, it is only paid if a review about a particular object is among the top thirty. In other words, if there are already more than 30 reviews about the detergent you wanted to write a review for, you may not expect payment. Nevertheless, payment based on views is paid to everyone and always. Here it's straightforward: someone viewed your review, and you get paid. Usually, the view results are updated every 24 hours at 00:00.
The payment based on views is not significant, but it can grow. For that, your review needs to be appreciated by someone.
To get paid for a review, it needs to be viewed for a certain amount of time. The required time varies on each website but is usually between 10 and 30 seconds.
Don't think that you can deceive the website. The system easily detects bots. So, if you use a special program to boost views on your review, you risk losing your account on that website along with the earned money. Even if there are multiple views from the same IP address, the website will only pay once.
To increase earnings, write more reviews. Some avid users of review websites have written over a thousand reviews. The more reviews you write, the more passive income you can earn.
Websites stop paying inactive users, so write at least one review per month to keep your account from being frozen and to continue earning money.
Obviously, you won't be able to earn a large amount of money this way, but it can be a good addition to your primary income!