How to Increase Engagement on a Web Page in 2023

How to Increase Engagement on a Web Page in 2023

As we approach the end of 2023, many business leaders are still working to fine-tune their marketing strategies for the remainder of the year. Landing pages remain one of the most commonly used sales tools for companies in all industries and a hot topic in the marketing community.

Essentially, a landing page is a specific page on your website designed to provide consumers with additional information about your products, services, or events. Marketers use landing pages to gain more webinar attendees, direct sales, email subscribers, and much more.

In some cases, your homepage may serve as the primary landing page. However, 48% of marketers now say they create separate landing pages for each of their marketing campaigns.

Engaging consumers to interact with this part of your website can determine the success of your business. In this article, you will explore several ways to significantly increase engagement on your landing pages.

Include an Introductory Video

Video content has quickly become one of the best ways to engage an interested audience. Consumers enjoy watching videos because they are more interactive than most text or audio content. As a result, users are more likely to be interested in a landing page that features a video.

If you're curious, websites that feature videos on their landing pages receive a whopping 80% more conversions. It's evident that this type of content is excellent for maintaining people's interest in your site. You might be wondering what types of videos will work best on your page.

The truth is, it varies depending on your industry and goal. For example, if you want more people to sign up for your webinar, you should include a short video discussing some of the topics you'll cover at the event. When consumers can hear the speaker before they even register, they are much more likely to be interested in your page and secure their spot.

Similarly, product demonstrations are an excellent way to enhance the value of landing pages for the purpose of driving sales. Users appreciate the opportunity to see the product they want to buy in action before they pull out their credit card.

Utilize Social Media Opportunities

Did you know the average person spends approximately 2 hours and 22 minutes on social media daily? Due to platforms like Facebook and Twitter, it's crucial to make your landing page accessible from these sites.

The key is to show your target audience links to landing pages that address their pain points and goals. Similarly, try to encourage users who land on your page to share it on their social media accounts. By employing this strategy, you can see increased engagement directly from your account, as well as link clicks from those who share your link.

There are several ways to distribute your content using these platforms. It's recommended to start with scheduled posts for your account. Include relevant snippets of text, images, or videos that give your followers a reason to visit your site.

You can also join social media groups related to your industry and engage with the community. Keep an eye out for individuals who might benefit from your product or service and don't hesitate to share your landing page if you believe it will be helpful to the consumer within legitimate grounds.

Show Social Proof

Have you ever tried something based on a friend's recommendation? Most likely, yes. That's why social proof is such a vital element of your landing page. In marketing, social proof is a psychological phenomenon where people are more likely to make a decision if they see others have successfully made the same decision.

One of the best examples of social proof can be found on Amazon. Almost every product has hundreds, sometimes thousands of reviews. When someone is interested in purchasing one of these items, they can browse the reviews to see if others have had a positive experience with that brand or specific product.

You can feature various types of social proof on your landing page, depending on your intentions. So, if your goal is to boost sales, showcase real customer reviews. Studies show that simply adding product reviews can increase page conversion by an impressive 270%. Include testimonials that highlight your product's value and explain some problems your brand can solve.

If you need more event attendees, you can include reviews from people who attended previous events. Someone is much more likely to provide their email address if they see that others have done so in the past and gained valuable insights from your event.

Simplify the Registration Process

Finally, let's talk about the registration process. When you create a landing page, your goal is to get consumers to provide you with information, whether it's their email for sign-up or their credit card for purchase.

The best way to increase engagement when someone is interested in your brand is to simplify the registration process. Some people may attempt to register for an online event, but if they see a form with 12 fields, they may change their mind. Perhaps they don't have the time, or they're uncomfortable providing so much information.

Tests show that email and event registration forms perform better with no more than 3 fields. The average conversion rate is 25%, which is significantly higher than the 10% after adding 6 or more fields.

It's recommended to include 2-3 fields if you want event registrations or email sign-ups. Ask for the consumer's name, email address, and you can include an additional question that will help you segment potential customers in the future.


The popularity of landing pages will continue to rise as companies transition into the digital world. Expect to see new advancements in how you communicate with your audience using these powerful marketing tools. But for now, you can apply the tips provided here to enhance engagement and sales, strengthening your audience's trust in 2023.