How to Get Genuine TikTok Followers and Likes

How to Get Genuine TikTok Followers and Likes

Not every social network can boast as many users as TikTok. The app is so diverse that it allows for hours of viewing interesting videos. However, if a person plans to monetize their profile and upload content independently, they need to take care of their followers.


TikTok is a leading platform for creating, sharing, and viewing short video clips. The functionality of the platform is similar to other social networks. Here, you can also leave comments and give likes. However, the app has its own features that have contributed to its popularity. These include an integrated video editor, a rich collection of special effects, and various filters.

Ways to Boost Engagement

Experts note two main categories of engagement: followers and likes, which can boost a TikToker's rating. In both cases, there are various methods that can be used. Quickly gaining followers can be achieved through methods tested by experienced users.

  • A visually appealing profile can attract an audience. To do this, set an attractive profile picture, avoid using too many effects, and apply filters judiciously.
  • In every social network, hashtags play a crucial role in promoting important information. Users add keywords to highlight the topic of their post and attract new users. If the target audience finds the video interesting, they will leave a comment and subscribe to the channel.
  • Many platforms use mutual user attraction. You can promote your account on other platforms and invite friends to your channel. Thanks to the special repost function, you can instantly share valuable content with your audience on other social networks. This approach can quickly lead to an increase in new followers.
  • Using popular trends allows channel owners to attract users in a short period of time. If a posted video receives a good response, you can create a new one based on it.

Likes on TikTok serve an important function. They demonstrate users' attitude towards channels. If a new video receives a large number of likes, it means it was well-received, and new people will soon start subscribing to the channel. To gain likes, it's necessary to apply proven methods. Participating in challenges is an effective way to boost likes. To be part of the process, create a video on a specific topic and upload it to your account. Another popular method is studying the interests of the target audience. To do this, familiarize yourself with videos that have garnered a large number of views and create similar content. Advertising on other platforms can also lead to a large number of likes.

The popularity of the social network directly depends on the number of video views and user reactions. The more people are interested in a video, the wider the audience of subscribers who will see it. Ultimately, this will increase the TikToker's rating and enable substantial earnings.