How to effectively warm up the audience before launching a campaign

How to effectively warm up the audience before launching a campaign

Social media has become a powerful sales tool. Businesses without an online presence on platforms like VKontakte, Telegram, or TikTok are essentially invisible. Quality advertising and warming up the audience are crucial.

However, merely having a popular social media account is only half the battle. It's important to fill the page with valuable content and effectively engage the audience before launching promotions and special offers. It can be exciting yet challenging. Don't worry, we've gathered effective audience warming methods that work in most cases. Let's get started; we promise this article will be interesting and useful for you!

Does every business need a website and social media?

In modern times, social media is beneficial for any business. Presenting your company online is just as important as providing quality services, especially in a highly competitive market.

How to warm up the audience on social media and website?

There are plenty of options. Firstly, create quality content that specifically interests your client. Then, consider adding some hacks that will be useful to visitors and followers. Also, don't forget about trends in your niche and the benefits of buying your product.

Promotion on social media.

We wake up every day and without hesitation, open a social media page. The younger generation prefers TikTok and Telegram, while older individuals favor Odnoklassniki or VKontakte. Everyone will find something for themselves. This is why marketing cannot bypass social media. It's simple, convenient, and highly effective.

5 steps to creating a selling account.

Identify your reader. The client should understand that the content is tailored specifically for them. For example, an adult language learning school should clearly understand who will come to their classes. This will determine pricing, strategy, and content on social media.

Create valuable content. Posts and stories should convey clear and useful information for the client. For example, language learning tips if it's a language school, or skincare tips if it's a beauty salon.

  • Offer exclusive discounts for subscribers. It's always nice for a client to feel unique. A personalized discount is the perfect motivation to make a purchase.
  • Share the business kitchen. It's always reassuring to understand how a business operates. Especially if it's in the niche of beauty salons or language schools. Yes, customers will better understand the specifics and trust the company more.
  • Share stories. Your own brand, success stories of employees, and client feedback. All of this will help create a friendly atmosphere and a loyal audience.

How to effectively warm up the audience?

To better understand the algorithm of social media, let's look at the universal audience warming methodology.

Sales funnel: what is it and how does it work?

A sales funnel represents the stages of a customer's readiness to purchase a product. Here's how it looks:

Awareness: The client is not yet sure what they want, they're uncertain. They first get to know you as a brand.

Consideration: The buyer understands better what they want. They're researching your company.

Decision: The client knows what they want and is looking for where to buy it. They're comparing you to competitors.

Purchase: The product is bought and paid for.

Loyalty: The client enjoyed it and wants to buy again.

Advocacy: The person recommends you to their friends.

Marketing terms are often used in English, we've translated them for better understanding, but the essence remains the same. These steps will help you understand how a person thinks when making a purchase decision. It's up to you how skillfully you can combine reasonable promotion strategies with an understanding of the human thought process during purchase.

Warming up the audience can be facilitated by CRM or a business application. More on that below.

CRM and marketing.

Software of this type will help create a customer database, inform visitors about promotions, and remind them of their visit. It's a convenient tool for interacting with the client during the warming up phase.

In other words, a CRM system will help you create the most favorable atmosphere for customers, without burdening your business with unnecessary expenses. It's crucial to know what exactly CRM can offer to customers. This knowledge will contribute to the effective use of the system without overpayment.

What does CRM offer:

Online booking. Anyone interested can book an appointment 24/7.

Analytics. Booking sources can be tracked, making optimization easier.

Customer card. You can easily create a card with all the necessary information about the client. It sounds simple, but trust increases significantly.

Notifications and email marketing. With CRM, you can easily remind about yourself with a pleasant promotion or send a notification with all the booking information.

Integration with social media. Quality software easily integrates with social media. This allows for optimizing booking. You can add a booking button or a link for booking.

CRM and marketing

A CRM system will help create a favorable atmosphere for the client without unnecessary financial expenses for the business. It's important to understand what CRM can specifically offer. This will lead to a much more efficient use of the system without overpayment.