How to attract customers from social networks

How to attract customers from social networks

Here we'll delve into key strategies for attracting interested users to your product from social networks. Let's get started.

  1. Utilize social media algorithms to your advantage. Uniqueness impacts content engagement. All elements - text, image, video - should be unique. Avoid words like "promotion", "buy", "discount" in viral posts - they limit reach. Viral posts lead users to your community, where monetization points you've set up await. However, don't try to sell in every post. The goal of a viral post is not to sell, but to gather more reach, attracting a larger audience through virality, shares, and algorithmic promotion. Feedback from readers promotes the post!
  2. Posting frequency matters - bombarding followers with multiple posts per day leads to lower reach. Optimal for most industries is 1 post per day or 3-4 times a week. Engage with comments to increase content interaction. Reader feedback provides material for posts that garner wider engagement. Focus on quality content over quantity - create content based on reader queries and feedback. Social media tools like polls, contests, giveaways (but be sure to follow platform rules!), games, and chatbots (gamification) can enhance engagement.
  3. Vertical content takes up more space in the feed, providing more advertising real estate. This allows for additional headlines, calls to action, conveying more meaning, or emphasizing benefits. Vertical content is well-suited for curated posts and collages.
  4. Reusing content is effective. Subscribers forget content posted months ago, and new audiences arrive. Re-upload your best current materials with different images, headlines, and wording.
  5. Recommendation feeds are influenced by engagement, especially shares, forwarding to friends, and comments. Posts of this format tend to perform well.
  6. Video content and clips are powerful tools for promotion. VK clips have their own recommendation feed and a separate app. Clips rank well within VK and gather wide reach. Make clips in parallel with posts and textual content. Study clips as a viewer first. Observe what works and try to model it in your niche.
  7. Utilize newsletters and chatbots in your community. Newsletter open rates are higher than post reach in communities. For businesses, this means multiple communications with a subscriber for a single initial cost. Introduce yourself and your product/service through a bot in the sales funnel - this warms up cold contacts. Key message: be open to new things and knowledge, don't be afraid to be an early adopter, network with like-minded individuals and those already immersed in the topic, quickly learn about innovations and implement them. The early adopters always have an advantage.

Here are a few extra tips:

  1. To attract an audience, use mutual promotions with thematic and expert communities - content exchange (you for them, they for you), or even better - live broadcasts/joint broadcasts. Aim to become an expert for a large community - curate a "column," present expert content to their audience.
  2. Create a wow effect by changing content formats. If you mostly create text posts, surprise and delight your followers with infographics, collages, or create a vibrant animated presentation using tools like Canva, Supa, or Powtoon. You can create videos without your direct involvement! Use cool videos from free photo and video stocks.
  3. A fresh and engaging content idea: share your opinions on news and trends related to your product. In some of these posts, mention that customers can order, buy, download, or consult with you. Another great idea to increase reach and engagement is to conduct mini-consultation sessions in the comments, where you can start selling directly.
  4. You can precisely target thematic communities for advertising in the "Communities" section.