How can a student make money online without any investment

How can a student make money online without any investment

With the popularization of the internet, the opportunity to earn money online emerged. Moreover, there are earning options available not only to specialists in specific fields but also to regular school students.

Ways to Earn on PTC Sites

The most optimal way for a student to earn money is by working on so-called Paid-to-Click (PTC) sites. PTC sites (also known as mailers or CAP) offer the following earning opportunities:

  • Viewing advertising websites;
  • Completing simple tests;
  • Completing easy tasks.

All of this can be done by a student without any investment. The tasks are quite straightforward; viewing advertising websites involves opening an ad link and waiting for about a minute (during which you can usually open another browser tab).

The essence of local tests is to visit a website using any search engine, make a few clicks on the site, and on each page, there will be an answer to the test's control question at a specific location.

Most tasks here are also quite simple: some involve visiting a site from a search, making a few clicks on the site, and clicking on any ad. To verify task completion, you'll need to provide all the links you visited as part of the task. Additionally, there are many tasks that require joining a group, liking a page, or registering on a website.

As you can see, any school student can easily handle these jobs, and no investment is required. Of course, at first glance, earnings on PTC sites may seem low, but if you learn to quickly complete similar tasks, it's quite possible to increase your income to 200 rubles per day or even more.

Earning on YouTube for a Student

The next possible option for earning without investment is YouTube. Here, things are much more challenging, and you shouldn't expect to earn money on the first day, and most likely not in the first few months of work.

To earn on YouTube, you'll need to create your own original videos that will interest viewers. The key here is not to try to imitate well-known vloggers, but to come up with something unique of your own. The main goal is to get as many viewers as possible to watch all your videos and subscribe to your channel.

Income from YouTube is a topic for a separate conversation, but it's important to know that it directly depends on the number of views your videos get. The more popular your channel becomes, the more you'll earn.

Can a student succeed in earning on YouTube? Certainly, as long as they have the desire and a reasonably good camera. No other investments are likely to be needed here.

Other Methods

There are a few other earning options for students. Often, it's recommended for students to earn by writing articles. There's nothing particularly difficult about it, but for a student, it might seem a bit challenging. This is because the main requirement for the texts is proficiency in grammar, which not every student possesses.

Many suggest that students try freelancing platforms. To earn on such platforms, you need to have specific knowledge and skills (programming, web design, and so on). Finding a job on freelancing platforms can be quite challenging even for experienced professionals, let alone students. Also, you'll likely need a small investment to purchase a premium account (usually less than 1,000 rubles per month), as without it, the number of available jobs will be limited.

Many also recommend the service WorkZilla. Indeed, there are jobs suitable for students here, but they charge a fee for registration, so it's hard to call this service earning without investment. Here, you'll also have to complete various orders, but the payment will be more substantial than on PTC sites.